Thursday, May 21, 2009

Daddy Daycare

One of the many blessings of living on campus while Travis completes his doctoral program (and my having a very flexible job) is that we can limit the number of babysitters we have to hire. Once that last final is in, summer becomes full time daddy daycare. While I will join the family for the month of June since I am only an 11-month employee, for now, it is all dad, all the time.

Daddy daycare is far less glamourous than that movie that came out a few years back. No mission statement, no fancy digs. Travis's philosophy is simple. Run them until they fall asleep.

Sometimes, literally.

Below was our poor 3 year old after a four mile hike. Kiddo fell asleep on the potty. After this nap it was back out for more adventures.

1 comment:

Amy Sine said...

Jenn, this is the funniest thing ever! Poor boys :)